(in Spanish)

The ProDTI Foundation, is a non-profit making service provider created in 1998 within the Polytechnic college of the Seville University, with a membership composed by teachers and researchers of the University of Seville and companies working in its different areas of knowledge. Its aim is to generate research projects and promote the transfer research results between University and Businesses.
With our WORKING GROUPS we collaborate with public and private entities, in a constant search for the transfer of research results between University and Busines
The Foundation acts as the managing body for extracurricular internships in accordance with the regulation for external academic internships of university students.
Through two strands responding to the needss employers in the industry search for in Junior Professionals:
- Specialization technology courses
- Training workhops extracurricular skills
(in Spanish)
The foundation’s platform is available for the publication of technical bibliography in different areas, specially oriented to University teaching.
For more information: prodtI@dte.us.es
For more information: prodtI@dte.us.es
(in Spanish)
International Congress on Integral Water treatment and management
Hear you can find a list of companies that collaborate with the Fundation.
What characterizes as?
We interpret the needs of the business community
Our reaction and response times take into account the requirements of the business world at all times.
We know that time has a value that determines management successes and failures and offer a wide range of technological solutions.
We know that time has a value that determines management successes and failures and offer a wide range of technological solutions.
University student internships in companies
We offer Internships in Companies for university students in their finishing years, as established by Royal Decree 592/2014 of July 11, which governs the Educational Cooperation Agreements, facilitating first experiences forfuture engineers and, inmany occasions, opening the door to their first jobs.
Through our publishing work, university teachers have a platform for the publication of text books, notes as well as technical reports, both for students and for different technological demands.
Training courses
The labor market, always in continuous evolution, demands specialized training both in pioneering activities in rising productive sectors, as well as in social skills that allow adequate development in the current liquid and global environment.
In this context, Fundación Prodti, provides training to respond to the demands and requirements of companies linked to the industry.
In this context, Fundación Prodti, provides training to respond to the demands and requirements of companies linked to the industry.
Testimonial source: Google
Write us
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